January 22, 2011

Get a FREE pair of Petrol Jeans!!!

This is the greatest freebie that I have ever seen and it is soooo easy!!!


■ Click above and “Like” Petrol Jeans on Facebook

■Click the “WIN A PAIR” tab - do NOT post it to their wall – I don’t think that counts!

■Click “Comments” – very small

■Then, click “Add a comment”

■Tell them who sent you (Carol Simkins)
Then share with your friends and get a FREE pair of Jeans.  Wow we could really get a lot of free jeans out of this one!!!

January 10, 2011

Get a FREE personalized weight loss plan from Alli!!

Sign up for MyAlli and receive a FREE personalized MyAlliplan that offers advice and support to help you lose weight.